We are an experienced team that bring specialized services to your school or business. We support management in the implementation of policies and procedures within applicable legal requirements. Our services can be of benefit to your school, management, SGB and Principal. We empower stakeholders by offering a 24/7 helpline to provide assistance regarding all school related matters in order to avoid negative exposure. Please enquire about our packages and per service rates.
- School and Personnel Management
- Disciplinary Procedure Implementation
- Training and development
- Policy development
- Specialists in Labour Relations

We offer different value-added packages to our schools or businesses depending on their specific needs. The packages may include a combination of the following services:
- 24/7 telephone support for enquiries regarding disciplinary matters, school management and/or school policies.
- Email support from Monday to Friday 7h00 to 20h00.
- Planned or Emergency Onsite assistance.
- Assistance in the review of existing disciplinary policies and human resources policies,
- Assistance with disciplinary action involving learners, educators or parents, including advice surrounding the investigation, preparation and the formulation of charges for such disciplinary actions.
- Providing a person to act as chairperson in disciplinary hearings to assist in adherence to procedural and legal requirements. This includes the writing of the outcome of the disciplinary hearing as well as the applicable sanctions upon conclusion of the hearing.
- Giving advice and assisting with retrenchments according to the prescribed legislation.
- Advice and assistance regarding school management issues as well as advice and assistance with the registration of a trust or company for the administering of additional income and sponsors.
- Assistance in the review and drafting of the relevant employment contracts as well as other contracts required by the School.
- Assistance in the compilation of a report motivating expulsion to be sent to the Department of Education.
- Assistance with the drafting of letters to parents, the Department of Education and/or other role-players.
- Dealing with two appeal procedures with regards to learners and/or personnel per year.
- Assisting with emergencies after hours (after 20h00 on weekdays) and over weekends.
- Two free representations at the CCMA or a Bargaining Council per annum.
- Assistance with the drafting of specific school policies and advice regarding school management challenges.
- One free workshop on school and class discipline per annum.
- The presentation of one workshop of 3 hours on diversity management for Staff at the School.
- One free workshop for members of the Governing Body per annum.
- Facilitating one strategic planning session in line with the Whole School Development Plan per annum.
Other legal services are available at market-related fees in collaboration with De Wet Oosthuizen Incorporated.

Labour Relations / Discipline & School Management Specialist

Policy & Research Specialist

Administrative Official